31. Juli 2015: Trauerkundgebung zum Tod von Tenzin Delek Rinpoche in Genf

26. Juli 2015

Zum Tod von Tenzin Delek Rinpoche laden die Tibetorganisationen der Schweiz zu einer Trauerkundgebung in Genf ein.


Freitag, 31. Juli , 11.00 bis  16.00
Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein (TCSL),
Tibetan Youth Association in Europe (TYAE),
Tibetan Women’s Organisation in Switzerland (TWOS) and
Guest-Organization: Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association (STFA)
11.00 Gathering in front of the UN, Place des Nations, Geneva
11.15 National anthem and moment of silence
11.25 Explanation of the program by the president of the Tibetan Community in Switzerland &
11.35 Slogans shouting
12.00 Speech of Tibetan Women’s Organisation in Switzerland, Pema Lamdark
12.10 Speech of Golok Jigme, Tibetan filmmaker and human rights activist
12.20 Speech of Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association, Karin Schlotthauber


12.30 Slogans shouting
12.50 Speech of Tibetan Youth Association in Europe, President Tenzin Yundung
13.00 Speech of Tibet Office, representative Ngodup Dorjee
13.10 Speech of Chitue Wangpo Thethong, member of Tibetan Parliament in Exile
13.15 Announcement of the appeal letter sent to the UN and UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights, Palais Wilson
13.25 Slogans shouting
13.55 Prayers ‚Denzig Mönlam’
14.05 Slogans shouting
14.30 Prayers ‚Mani’ for Tulku Tenzin Delek and Sonam Topgyal as well as all other selfimmolations
14.50 Slogans shouting
15.30 End of rally


Tenzin Delek Rinpoche ist am 12. Juli 2015 in Haft zu Tode gekommen. Seine Studenten im Exil berichten, dass seine Familie am 12. Juli über den Tod informiert wurde. Die Familie versuchte dann, von den Behörden den Leichnam zu bekommen um die traditionellen Tibetischen Begräbnisrituale durchführen zu können.

